Except where expressly agreed otherwise by us (yourself and Get Golfing) in writing every member of the Club shall be subject to these terms and conditions. Get Golfing reserves the right to use discretion in all matters relating to membership.
- Membership is continuous, until revoked in writing and acknowledged by either party, but is subject to these terms. New members have a 15-day period in which to revoke membership and receive a refund but, if they have played during that 15-day period, they will then be responsible for the payment of all green fees at the normal green fee rate.
- The membership year commences on the first day of the following month that you join and runs for a period of 12 whole months. Subscriptions are paid monthly by direct debit under an instalment agreement. As a member you are contracting for a fixed period of twelve months from the commencement of the membership. Once a full year has been completed, the contract reverts to a rolling one month policy whereby you can cancel with one months notice at any given time.
- Members pay by direct debit. Bank information must be supplied at the time of commencement of membership. All direct debits will be collected during the first week of each month. By paying in instalments, you are agreeing to a membership for one year regardless of the number of times you play. It is agreed that while Get Golfing gives you the ability to pay for your subscription over a 12-month period, you’re playing use of the membership is not proportionately spread over 12 months. When renewing your membership, we will contact you prior to your renewal date to notify you of the new subscription rate. You should write or email to inform us if you do not wish to renew your membership, otherwise we will automatically continue with the direct debit payment at the new current subscription rate for the following year and a new 12-month agreement will commence.
- Should Members wish to suspend their membership due to ill health, they are able to do so without penalty, so long as they are able to provide a medical certificate within 14 days of the cancellation. Suspended Members are only able to recommence their membership with the consent of the Club and should recognise that they may be charged more for their membership.
- When first joining as a member you will pay a 25% deposit of your subscription in the first full month of joining with the remaining balance paid over the following 11 months. If you join part way through the month, there will be a pro rata fee added to the deposit.
- Members are responsible for their guests.
- Members joining mid-month will pay pro-rata to the nearest first of the month. Payment for this abbreviated period is taken with the initial payment.
- Members will be notified by email of any changes to subscription fees; the Club website will detail any other changes. Renewal notices are sent out by email, giving at least 30 days’ notice before the renewal date. The Club cannot be held responsible for address errors.
- Terms and conditions of membership may be revised from time to time and Members should be aware of the terms and conditions posted on the website. These changes will only become enforced at your renewal and each and every year you will receive a link with the updated terms and conditions which we agree to abide by. Should such changes occur, Get Golfing will advise the Member of changes prior to their renewal.
- Should the course be closed due to bad weather, re-development work or under direction from a local authority or the government, it is recognised that your membership will continue, and this contract will remain valid. Both the course and all Members accept that this membership has variations on monthly and seasonal usage, and it is, therefore, not reasonable to dispute continuity of service based on one or more month’s service interruption.
- Members paying monthly by direct debit should be aware that if a direct debit collection is not honoured, their membership will be suspended immediately. If the amount outstanding remains unpaid within 28 days of the collection date, the membership will be cancelled. In the event of a direct debit Member’s membership being cancelled due to non-payment, the Club has the right to claim all future monthly payments up until the renewal date. In addition, each and every time a direct debit is returned unpaid, the member will be liable for a £50.00 administration fee to mitigate some of the costs associated with the payment failure.
- No refund will be made on resignation for subscription payments received.
- Subscriptions are not inclusive (where applicable) of any VAT or affiliation fees unless otherwise stated.
- The venue will endeavour to provide golf courses and communal areas in the best condition possible. This may, from time to time, result in closure of holes or parts of holes to make improvements considered to be in the best long-term interest of the course. The course or practice areas may be closed for extreme weather conditions or for competitions.
- You agree that, whilst at our sites and in all communications with us, you will respect our property, our staff, our golf courses, other players and visitors to our sites at all times. You agree that you will take care not to publish any information on any social media platform that is hearsay, non-factual or their opinion, which may discredit us. If, in our sole opinion (acting reasonably) we consider that you do not meet these standards then we may cancel the membership you have and require that you no longer enter any of our sites.
- You agree that we will share your email address and date of birth with England Golf if you contact us to obtain/transfer your handicap through our Golf Genius competition software.
- With each category of membership comes booking rights to the tee sheet. It is the responsibility of each member to ensure they only book times that they intend to use. If for whatever reason they are unable to use the time booked, they must cancel the booking providing as much notice as possible to enable other members and visitors to use the tee slot that has become available. The management reserve the right to suspend a member booking right if the member fails to show for a tee time they have booked. Such a suspension, which cannot least for more than four weeks at any one time, is not a reason for either the member or the management to cancel a subscription payment.
- Should you choose to leave your membership, any balance on your club card will be placed on to a partner card. Partners avail of a 5% discount across the pro-shop & food/beverages.
- Members are able to alter their category a maximum of once per year free of charge, this includes any add-ons or extra’s such as lockers or buggy memberships. Any change or additional item added to a membership will have the same renewal date as the original membership. Any further changes within that year will be charegable at £50 per alteration.
- Get Golfing reserves the privilege to enter any storage areas allocated to members, such as lockers, trolley storage, and buggy storage, which have been paid for by said members.