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Get Golfing

We understand the value of collaboration and the power of forging strong partnerships. That’s why we’re always on the lookout for like-minded businesses and individuals who share our vision and values. If you’re interested in working with us, we’d love to hear from you!

Invest with us

We are always on the look out for individuals or businesses who are looking to expand their property portfolio. The majority of our venues are purchased by a third party and simultaneously we enter into a long term lease agreement.


Corporate partnerships

We have a significant customer base which can help increase exposure and boost your brand awareness. We will work with you to achieve your strategic goals by helping us reach ours.


Working together

We believe that golf isn’t just a sport; it’s a community, a lifestyle, and an opportunity for growth. If you are a member or owner of a club that would like to look at a different way of operating, then Get Golfing could be an option and we’d love to hear from you.


Get in touch with us